Nokia active wireless earphones user guide

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Nokia Active Wireless Earphones (BH-501)

Take care of your device

Handle your device with care. The following suggestions help you keep your device operational.

  • Keep the device dry. Precipitation, humidity, and all types of liquids or moisture can contain minerals that corrode electronic circuits.
  • Do not use or store the device in dusty or dirty areas.
  • Do not store the device in high temperatures. High temperatures may damage the device or battery.
  • Do not store the device in cold temperatures. When the device warms to its normal temperature, moisture can form inside the device and damage it.



Always return your used electronic products, batteries, and packaging materials to dedicated collection points. This way you help prevent uncontrolled waste disposal and promote the recycling of materials. Electrical and electronic products contain a lot of valuable materials, including metals (such as copper, aluminium, steel, and magnesium) and precious metals (such as gold, silver, and palladium). All materials of the device can be recovered as materials and energy.

Símbolo del contenedor de basura tachado

Símbolo del contenedor de basura tachado
El símbolo del contenedor de basura tachado en el producto, la batería, el material informativo o el embalaje le recuerdan que todos los productos eléctricos y electrónicos y las baterías deben llevarse a puntos de recolección diferentes al final de su vida útil. Recuerde eliminar primero los datos personales del dispositivo. No deseche estos productos junto con los demás desechos domésticos: recíclelos. A fin de informarse sobre el punto de reciclaje más cercano, consulte a las autoridades locales encargadas de la gestión de desechos o lea sobre el programa de devolución de HMD y la disponibilidad en su país en

Battery info

Your device has an internal, non-removable, rechargeable battery. Do not attempt to remove the battery, as you may damage the device.The battery can be charged and discharged hundreds of times, but it will eventually wear out. Charging time can vary depending on device capability.

Battery safety

If left unused, a fully charged battery will lose its charge over time. Always keep the battery between 15°C and 25°C (59°F and 77°F) for optimal performance. Extreme temperatures reduce the capacity and lifetime of the battery. A device with a hot or cold battery may not work temporarily. Do not dispose of batteries in a fire as they may explode. Obey local regulations. Recycle when possible. Do not dispose as household waste.

Use the battery for its intended purpose only. Improper use, or use of unapproved or incompatible batteries may present a risk of fire, explosion, or other hazard, and may invalidate any approval or warranty. Do not charge your device during a lightning storm.

Implanted medical devices

To avoid potential interference, manufacturers of implanted medical devices recommend a minimum separation of 15.3 centimeters (6 inches) between a wireless device and the medical device. Persons who have such devices should:

  • Always keep the wireless device more than 15.3 centimeters (6 inches) from the medical device.
  • Switch the wireless device off if there is any reason to suspect that interference is taking place.
  • Follow the manufacturer directions for the implanted medical device. If you have any questions about using your wireless device with an implanted medical device, consult your health care provider.
¿Esto te fue útil?
  • Quick start guide
  • Wear your headset
Información del producto y de seguridad
  • Important information
  • For your safety
  • Take care of your device
  • Copyrights and notices

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